A Few Things to Discuss With Your Custom Cabinetmaker


Custom cabinets in a kitchen can make storage much easier on you overall, as you can have the cabinets made to fit your particular needs. This can mean specialized cabinets for certain small appliances you use every day as well as items like linens, cooking tools, and the like. When working with a custom cabinetmaker, you want to ensure you cover all details about the cabinets and their design and don't overlook anything, so you know you're happy with your new kitchen space for years to come. Note a few of those details you want to discuss before work begins.

Length of drawers

Many kitchen cabinets have drawers that actually don't extend all the way to the back of the cabinet. This may be to save money on the wood materials or to keep the drawer from being too heavy if it were to be pulled out all the way and resting only on a small section of the drawer. However, this also cuts down on the storage space you can have from your kitchen drawers. Be sure you talk to your cabinetmaker about the length and depth of the drawers and have them add in stoppers that help to support the drawers when opened, if needed.

Particle board

Many cabinets are made with a solid wood veneer that is placed over a particle board or fiberboard; these boards are made from wood pieces that are mixed with glue or a type of adhesive. This is done to save on the cost of solid wood, but note that particle board or fiberboard can expand when wet, which can be a problem in the kitchen. If you've ever seen the inside of a cabinet that was warped and uneven, this was probably the result of the particle board getting wet and changing shape. It might be more costly to have your cabinets made of solid wood, but it's often worth that extra expense if it means they'll be more durable overall.

Ease of maintenance

How easy will it be to maintain the cabinets? This would include how often they may need a fresh coat of paint or stain, and new sealant. Be sure your cabinetmaker uses high-quality paints or stains and sealants on the cabinets so they are more durable, and ask the color and brands they use. This will ensure that your cabinets will match if you should need to have one repaired and then repainted or stained again sometime in the future.


22 July 2016

Nancy's Remodeling Blog: Ideas, Facts, Tips and More

Salutations! I am so glad that you found my blog. My name is Nancy, and this blog is going to be all about different aspects of remodelling. I plan to provide you with inspirational ideas, tips on working with the pros and facts about remodelling to help you choose the right products or techniques. I hope that you like these posts. Thinking about starting a remodelling project? Then, my blog is a great place to start your research. Please, grab a drink, get comfortable and start exploring. In addition to my love for remodelling, I am also interested in horseback riding, and I love doing puzzles.