Bathroom Renovations: Materials You Can Consider for Your Bathtub


Just as with other elements of your home, there will come a time when you have to consider replacing your bathtub. This could be due to it becoming decrepit over the years or perhaps you simply want to update the look of your bathroom. No matter the reason, there are a number of considerations to bear in mind before making a decision. Some people make the mistake of simply focusing on the colour and design of the bathroom, without keeping in mind the material that the tub is made from. Yet, your choice of material is what will dictate the cost, appearance, durability as well as the weight of your tub. Below are some of the materials that you can consider for your bathtub.

Cast iron tubs 

When most people think about cast iron, the conjure up images of cookware. Granted, this material has been a staple in the kitchen for centuries, but it is also quite practical for the bathroom. When cast iron is used in the manufacture of bathtubs, it is coated with porcelain. It is therefore not recommended to scrub the tub vigorously as the abrasive cleaning could erode the porcelain finish. This, in turn, exposes the cast iron to moisture and causes corrosion.

Fibreglass tubs

These are also referred to as Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) tubs. Once the tub is created, a gel coat finish is applied which lends is a dazzling, glistening appearance. This gel coat finish also functions to make cleaning and maintenance of tub hassle free as scum and other types of grime will neither stain nor remain adhered onto your bathtub. Thus, fibreglass tubs are ideal for households where numerous people will be making use of the bathtub on a daily basis. Nevertheless, fibreglass tubs do have their own drawbacks. Although its surface is highly scratch resistant, the FRP material can become brittle over time. This makes it susceptible to breakage if it's exposed to high impact.

Acrylic tubs

If you are looking to purchase an economical bathtub, then acrylic would be a suitable choice. This is the conventional material used for traditional bathtubs. It is lightweight, hence making it much easier to work with during the manufacturing process. It is also quite glossy, thus you can be assured that your tub will have a sheen to it. It should be noted that acrylic is not as sturdy as the other materials that you could consider. This, in turn, makes it more susceptible to scratches and dents. Hence, you may have to consider routine maintenance and repairs to keep your acrylic bathtub in pristine condition.


1 March 2017

Nancy's Remodeling Blog: Ideas, Facts, Tips and More

Salutations! I am so glad that you found my blog. My name is Nancy, and this blog is going to be all about different aspects of remodelling. I plan to provide you with inspirational ideas, tips on working with the pros and facts about remodelling to help you choose the right products or techniques. I hope that you like these posts. Thinking about starting a remodelling project? Then, my blog is a great place to start your research. Please, grab a drink, get comfortable and start exploring. In addition to my love for remodelling, I am also interested in horseback riding, and I love doing puzzles.